Water Works Ponds has moved! We are now located at:
9535 - 62 Ave, Edmonton. Our phone number is still the same.
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Pondless Waterfall | Dramatic, Low Maintenance & Safe
The Pondless water feature is just that, ‘Pond-less'.
A waterfall and stream without a pond at the bottom.
A Pondless water feature provides the sight and sounds of a waterfall, but without a standing body of water.
Instead of having a pond at the bottom, there is a reservoir with specialist blocks to create void space to hold water.
They have the appearance that the water is disappearing into the gravel.
A pump vault is located inside a protective pump vault making the pump easily accessible.
A Pondless water feature makes an ideal front yard feature and is great in a commercial application.
These low maintenance features add stunning beauty and the mesmerizing sound of water to your yard.